
Advantages Of Various Piling Foundations

Piling is a type of foundation that is useful in transferring the building load deeper into the surface. There are various piling methods and every method has its advantages. Piling contractors use various methods to build according to the land or construction site.

There Are 6 Main Types Of Piling

  • CFA Piling
  • Bored Piling
  • Driven Piling
  • Screw Piling
  • Mini Piling
  • Sheet Piling

CFA Piling

CFA piling is a piling also called continuous flight auger piles, auger piles, or cast-in-place piles. The main advantage of this method of piling is it provides strong support to large structures like skyscrapers, water tanks, and other buildings. This method of piling holds a significant place in the construction industry as this provides a strong foundation. Buildings constructed with the help of this method have a rigid foundation and can withstand landslides.

Bored Piling

A bored piling foundation has a lot of advantages like an extension. With the help of bored piling, the piling contractors can extend the length of materials softly into the soil. The suitable material can be extended with this method. If there are any large spaces or excavations left in the foundation then bored piling can be used to fill the spaces. The most important part of bored piling is it doesn’t disturb the soil in any way.

Driven Piling

A driven piling foundation has got numerous advantages. Among those adjusting the pile length and cost are the two most important ones. It gives a chance to adjust the length according to the requirements and foundation level. When compared with other piling foundation methods on the list, driven piling is cost-effective. Piling contractors use this method to build strong structures within a low budget. Driven piling foundation doesn’t create much noise during its process. The stress handled by this foundation is reliable and recommended.

Screw Piling

Screw piling has quite a several benefits. The first advantage of this method is it takes a short time to be constructed. This means this can be completed within very little time. And this method is also easy to install. Even if there’s a low-budget and less labor screw piling can be done without any hustle. If this method is used for foundation then removing it is also not a problem. Carbon footprints are also reduced with the help of screw piling.

Mini Piling

As the name signifies mini pilling’s first and important advantage is its noise. The noise caused during the installation is very low. This is because of the easy installation process. Even the vibration is very minimal. Though its name is mini piling, this method has the potentiality to go deeper into the surface with ease.

Sheet Piling

Sheet piling foundation is light in weight. If better protection is used for this foundation it can last longer even in water. Being a reliable method like CFA piling, sheet piling can be reused for various functionalities.

Piling contractors each above-mentioned method according to the requirements and the land condition.

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